Ludovic Gaillard


Ludovic Gaillard (1992, Paris) is a photographer working in Paris. His work is mainly focused on the themes of nature, the Anthropocene and consciousness in occidental societies. Read more...

To get in touch, please use the contact details below:

Email: Ludovicwgaillard at
/ ludovic.gaillard 

2024 → Greetings from the Parisian Jungle 

"Greetings from the Parisian Jungle" is a photographic series and public installation which explores Paris' impossible ideal of wild ecology.

Since COP-21 and the Covid pandemic, rewilding initiatives have been trending among cities around the world. Aimed at reintroducing biodiversity, these urban policies trade on the promise of mending our broken relationship with the natural world by giving it space to evolve freely.
In Paris - a self-proclaimed leader in urban ecology - such initiatives have caused intense political discord, with the most radical voices accusing them of being retrograde and a threat to the Parisian heritage. In 2021, the conservative movement #SaccageParis fighting the mayor’s ecological agenda was the 8th most popular hashtag in France.

Through a series of photographs and a public installation exploring these contradictions, the project attempts to democratise the most pressing question humanity faces in the XXIst century: can Man overcome its historical culture of dominance over Nature ?

The project's public installation is currently live in the streets of Paris. It features a postcard display stand under the name of a fictional "Tourist Office of The Parisian Jungle". The postcards feature the 17+ photographs of the project, with on the back an invitation to citizens to share their images (and views) of what they perceive as Parisian wilderness.  

Project Instagram Page: